Animal Abuse in Puerto Rico

I don’t know if this article made me more mad, sad, disgusted, or what. I guess I’m not surprised that a place that promotes cockfights would also have little respect for pets; however, I hate to make it sound like Puerto Rico is unique. We here in the continent are often no better.

One of the worst parts is, in a country where so many pet animals are killed at shelters, these pets were actually in homes with people (albeit against their lease policy) and had a chance at life.

Also disgusting is the ‘tude of the guy in charge of the shelter that allegedly killed the pets. He said:

They can’t prove that they are the same dogs that we picked up.

Good job, sir, on your choice of words. Nothing screams guilt like “you can’t prove it.”  It’s a fantastic defense from a criminal mastermind.

Meme, Meme, Meme, Meme, Memly Meme Meme Meme

Found this via Chubby Chick’s blog:

My secret names:
1. YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (first pet’s name and current car)
Cindy Lexus
2.YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (fave ice cream flavor, favorite cookie)
Chocolate-Covered Cherry Wreath
3. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal)
Yellow Fish
4. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (Last 3 letters of my sister’s name and first two letters of my mom’s name; use whatever names you like also and where they came from)
EndyMa (That one is no good, though- If I switch them, it’s LynWe.  Better!)
5. SUPERHERO NAME: (”The” + 2nd favorite color, favorite drink)
The Green Wine
6. NASCAR NAME: (the first names of your grandfathers)
Eli Dwight
7. TV WEATHER ANCHOR NAME: (Your 5th grade teacher’s last name, a major city that starts with the same letter)
Steir Seattle
8. SPY NAME: (your favorite season/holiday, flower)
Autumn Calla
9. CARTOON NAME: (favorite fruit, article of clothing you’re wearing right now + “ie” or “y”)
Cherry Jeansie (T-Shirty sounded blah)
10. HIPPY NAME: (What you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree)
Oatmeal Palmetto
11. YOUR ROCKSTAR TOUR NAME: (”The” + Your fave hobby/craft, fave weather element + “Tour”)
The Aquarium Cloud Tour

Fauxtoberfest 2007 Update

Those are NOT all my empties!This is apparently a busy weekend for most people I know! We only had a crew of three to attend the Fauxtoberfest for Tuxedo Park Brewers.

We all expected it to be in a park somewhere in Fountain Square, but it was actually in someone’s yard! I felt like I was crashing a private party. We ordered beers and chilis and ate and drank in the cool, crisp weather. They offered free two ounce tastings, so I indulged my palate.

Blackout Stout- This was my last beer of the evening. I love stouts and this one was delicious. The person pouring had likened it to a Young’s Double Chocolate, but I thought it was less overly sweet and offered a roastier flavor, with notes of coffee and toasted marshmallow. I’d drink this as dessert.

Dog Days Cream Ale- This had been named “Cream Corn,” but the brewers decided that evoked a rather unpalatable dish served by lunch ladies. Carlton suggested “Corn Dog” was a better name yet. The beer was smooth and creamy, with a mouthfeel similar to Boddington’s. Made with Indiana sweet corn, it was a great ale for a Hoosier brewer. Delicious and mild with a candy-like aftertaste.

Flat Tire Amber- I was expecting something like Fat Tire. This beer was nothing like Fat Tire. It was crisp and a little too boozy, with none of the buscuit character I expected. It was a perfectly good Amber, but not my favorite beer of the night. Midwest Supplies markets a Fat Tire kit called Flat Tire already, so maybe this one’s up for a name change also.

Big Buck Oatmeal Stout- Chewy and hearty, this was my favorite beer of the night. It was a great beer for a fall afternoon. Nutty and delicious, the stout delivered big flavor in a beer best sippe, not chugged. Best drunk while socializing around a quiet fire.

Wrecking Ball Robust Porter- At least I think it was Wrecking Ball. I couldn’t read the small print on the tap handle. It was a porter, in any case. I didn’t think this was a special beer; just drinkable and easygoing for a porter.

Raspberry Wheat- I only had a small taste (still not eating wheat).  This wasn’t on the menu but was very good. I dislike fruit beers as a general guideline. I always wonder- how bad/boring is the beer that it had to be hidden behind fruit? This was bursting with raspberry and apple notes, but wasn’t stickily sweet. The beer was straw colored. That’s usually a sign that the fruit flavor came from an extract instead of the actual fruit. As a beer purist, I should (and usually do) dislike the use of flavorings; however, this was the perfect way to have berry flavor without adding sugar or making the beer pink.

The Tuxedo Park crew had outdoor games, tables, a free cream soda tap, a fire pit, and a CD mix that brought back my college days.  In fact, the whole party had the feel of a college house party…but with better beer.  The brewers I met were really nice and we talked homebrewing for a long time.  They offered to let me watch an all-grain brewing session so I could see what it’s like.

Where can Tuxedo Park beer be purchased?  Uh, I don’t know.  I forgot to ask that one!

Phantom Pain from Mobile Device?

Sadly, I think I have this affliction.  It started when I was pregnant- it felt like my leg muscle was twitching so fast that it felt like vibration.  Because there are so many weird side effects of pregnancy, I just assumed I had some odd muscle twitch and thought no more of it.  However, it didn’t go away once I was no longer pregnant.

I stumbled onto this article, and it describes me.  I might be addicted to txting.   I send 10-20 daily.  Sometimes, it’s just easier than email.  In the case of one of my very busy friends, I just text “call me” and I receive a callback when she’s free, instead of potentially interrupting a meeting with my silly phone call about this Sunday’s coupons.

But now that I might have a neurotic twitch I am rethinking my mobile dependency.  Maybe I should leave my phone on the charger a day or two a week.  Stop being so immediate.  Cease relying on my phone for my extroverty social-fix needs.


Stay Back 500 Feet or Else

I drove to the North side Monday for my doctor’s appointments, so I had some time to be irritated by the vehicles on the road. Am I the only one who hates these things? Those stickers say “STAY BACK 500 FEET” and “NOT LIABLE FOR DAMAGE.”

Ok, first of all, 500 feet at 10 mph is not the same as at 60 mph. If I even tried to stay back that far on city streets, someone would rear-end me out of crazy, annoyed spite. Second, what if the truck is going 60 mph on the highway? The debris shower doesn’t stay neatly in one lane. Must all three lanes stay back 500 feet? And what if the oafish truck is crawling along under the speed limit? Is anyone allowed to pass?

And while I’m at it, how can they say they aren’t liable for damage? At least the black truck had netting over the gravel, but many trucks don’t, and they spit gravel, dirt, rocks, twigs all over the road and in a shower over vehicles with the slightest wind. May I put a sticker on my car that says “not responsible for speeding, I had too much coffee and have a lead foot?” or “not liable for crashing into your car, I have road rage issues?” I must also note that these silly stickers cannot even be read unless one is within 100 feet of these noise-and-air-pollution-belching trucks.

If I leave debris at the side of the road and someone else has to deal with it, I have to pay hundreds of dollars in fines. These trucks litter all kinds of junk all over the road. I’m guessing these inconsiderate companies are forking over tons of extra cash for all of the punctured tires and the state-financed road cleanup crews. HA HA HA

Finally, I think I’ll buy thousands of these and stick it on everyone’s car, then have everyone go five mph right in front of one of these blasted trucks. Let the gridlock commence!

30 to Go

The pounds aren’t melting off like they once did, but I’m still losing weight. My doctor was pleased to see my progress. Now that I’m starting to eat more foods, I have to be careful to add good stuff before bad. For instance, some potato chips, left over from watching football Sunday, are staring at me seductively from across the room.

My most recently added food was bananas. Next is another fruit or a vegetable. NOT delicious salty-finger-licking-good fatty fried goods. *sigh*

Bourbon Review: Woodford Reserve versus George T. Stagg versus A.H. Hirsch

sunny_bourbon_connaisseur_resize.JPGMany people buy wine or champagne to celebrate (including me). My Kentucky husband buys bourbon. There was a ton of hype for the A.H. Hirsch, so he splurged and purchased it. We decided to save it a few months and sip it to celebrate our new back porch and little Ainsley’s arrival.  We did just that a couple of weeks ago.

While preparing the tasting tray, Sunny decided that surely there was food involved- so she hopped on the tray and parked herself until we moved her!

Instead of just sipping, we decided to compare it to our favorite premium bourbon, George T. Stagg uncut, and to our favorite lower-cost bourbon, Woodford Reserve. We expected the Stagg and Hirsch to be much stronger in flavor but wanted to use the Woodford as a “control.”

All of them were a standard one ounce over ice, with one ounce of Ty Nant still water to dilute. I wanted to use a little more water on the uncut Stagg, but I was overruled. We started with the Woodford (I hadn’t had bourbon of any kind in ten months, so I started slowly!). As always, it was smooth and clean, with a mild carmelized woodsiness that is perfectly sippable. Next, the Stagg.

It was toward the end of the bottle, and the Stagg had some carbon that made it into the glass, so the color was off. The aroma was thick and bursting with cherries. I tasted it- BLEH!  It was definitely too strong.  I swished some Pellegrino in the hopes of saving my palate from destruction.  I haven’t had a stiff drink since before I was pregnant so I thought I might be losing my affection for bourbon.  Oh no!

Finally, we tried the Hirsch.  We sipped, swirled, sipped again.  We cautiously looked at each other.  My thought was…”that’s it?!?”  We were both thinking the same thing.

The Hirsch was smooth, with a saltwater-limestone finish.  Carlton identified a walnut flavor which I liked and he didn’t.  It had little carmel or cherry character and tasted more like a salty (not peaty) scotch than a bourbon.  We were nonplussed.  I compared it to the Woodford directly.  Woodford had more complex flavors than Hirsch but the same smoothness.

The result?  We’ll save our precious income and buy 3 or 4 bottles of Woodford instead.  Even a bottle of Stagg is more economical than Hirsch and, once we’d cut it with the right amount of water, was delicious with its pipe-tobacco overtones.

Rainy Days and Mondays Never Get Me Down…32 to Go!

Unrelated to the rest of the post: I love this weather. It’s dark, dreary and drizzly. The occasional thunderstorm is fun to watch too. My living room has a big window and Ainsley and I sit by it to read books and watch storms blow toward us.

If you read my last post, you know that my diet has become a big struggle for me. Ainsley is still having an allergic reaction to something I eat, including potential minor bleeding. So I had to go on a totally bland diet of:

  • brown rice
  • chicken
  • olive oil
  • salt
  • water

That’s it. That’s all I can consume until we figure out her issue. It seems easier to just give up and feed her formula, but formula has its own issues. It can make her digestion problems worse. It can exacerbate the bleeding. The medical professionals with whom I’m consulting all say she’s better off nursing than switching to formula, so I’m staying the course. Meanwhile, I still think chicken is gross. If you don’t care about humane slaughter, then surely you care that current slaughter techniques may increase pathogenic contamination. Reading articles like this just makes it worse; now we’re studying them to see how much blood makes them look better in the grocery?

Boo!However, there is no alternate source of protein for me. She may have a soy allergy, a wheat allergy, or who knows what. I can’t have wine, dessert, oatmeal. Zip. It’s annoying. I don’t feel like cooking anything for Carlton because I hate looking at stuff I can’t eat or even taste. But totally 100% worth every bland bite (see photo at right!).

Oh, and shame on me- almost no walking. But I’m still dropping pounds. I would like to be not just thin, but also be fit, so hopefully my c-section recovery book will arrive soon.

37 to Go

I guess all of this watching my diet for the sake of the kid is working! I have only lost three pounds, but my pants already fit better. I think it is because I’m finally recovering from the surgery and I can suck in my stomach and have relatively good posture again.

On the down side, I have not been walking enough. I have been too tired to be motivated. I plan to reverse that pattern tonight!