I couldn’t have said it better. I love you, Ainsley.
Meme Girls are Easy
From Amy.
1. My uncle once: had Thanksgiving dinner wearing only his swimsuit
2. Never in my life: have I been to Africa
3. When I was five: I was shy
4. High school was: not my most mature (ugh)
5. I will never forget: getting stalked
6. Once I met: a celebrity at the height of his fifteen minutes
7. There’s this girl I know: who hates me and I don’t know why. It hurts
8. Once, at a bar: I danced until 6AM
9. By noon, I’m usually: over half done with work
10. Last night: I tried to put a shelf together only to find it was damaged in shipping…grr
11. If only I had: studied more in college
12. Next time I go to church: will be Saturday with Ainsley
13. What worries me most: is when people demean me or others because they have faith
14. When I turn my head left I see: the other upstairs laptop
15. When I turn my head to the right I see: a bunch of boxes of junk that need to be eBayed
16. You know I’m lying when: you’re psychic
17. What I miss most about the Eighties is: enough time to listen to every pop song I wanted
18. If I were a character in Shakespeare I’d be: English
19. By this time next year: I’ll be tired again from Gen Con
20. A better name for me would be: shorter. I have four names
21. I have a hard time understanding: people who think their way is the only way
22. If I ever go back to school, I’ll: poke my eye out. No way
23. You know I like you if: I ask you to live near me
24. If I ever won an award, the first person I would thank would be: Carlton
25. Take my advice, never: let a relationship define you
26. My ideal breakfast is: black coffee and a jalapeno bagel, preferably on Saturday morning
27. A song I love but do not have is: Anything newer than 2006. I just haven’t gotten around to purchasing much
28. If you visit my hometown, I suggest you: see the gorgeous Chihuly chandelier
29. Why won’t people: be nice to each other
30. If you spend a night at my house: I’ll make you a nice meal the night before
31. I’d stop my wedding for: not having my parents there
32. The world could do without: hate
33. I’d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: ew.
34. My favorite blonde(s) is/are: my sister
35. Paper clips are more useful than: nothing. Binder clips rule
36. If I do anything well it’s: host
37. I can’t help but: give dirty looks to people who annoy me
38. I usually cry: when I have a migraine
39. My advice to my child/nephew/niece: please be nice to each other
40. And by the way: will you move in with me?
Zero in Zero
I did it! It doesn’t hurt that Gen Con made me walk about four miles so far.
Three in Two
This is an update on the last weight loss post, Four in Three. I’m still eight pounds from goal, but three pounds from my short-term goal. It’s time for pictures.
Me at about 218 pounds. Seriously, this is obviously not all weight gained for pregnancy. I remember that day was the best I’d felt in a month. I’m wearing lipstick and standing up! We were going to dinner with friends. My self-esteem was terrible. My arms look like sausages. I bought this dress at a regular, non-maternity store because most maternity clothes are very cheaply made and I wanted one or two things that didn’t fall apart. Why did I buy a cap-sleeve dress? Who knows. The pattern did do a good job of hiding everything else.
Me two days ago. I think the biggest difference, other than the obvious BABY that’s missing, is my neck. Oh, and my watch now fits. I also stopped wearing makeup, but that’s not so much about my weight, is it?
I noticed that my bicep muscles are more toned. Most moms can attest to the toning that happens from picking up a kid over and over.
The dress was purchased to hide my growing rear, so it’s hard to tell that it’s smaller, but trust me, it is. I can fit into my pre-baby pants. The waistband are still a bit tight but I don’t know if my stomach muscles will ever be that toned again.
Having been thin most of my life made me less appreciative of the struggles of losing weight. I battled 10 pounds that kept wanting to creep onto my frame, but that was it. Now I know that it takes a lot of discipline to stay on plan. My “diet” wasn’t really a “diet” so much as a permanent change to my eating habits. I knew that if I purchased pre-made meals, I’d just go back to old habits after the diet ended. I used to eat, as a snack on a Saturday night:
- 1/2 to one package of chocolate chip cookie dough- with a spoon
- An entire bag of sour cream and cheddar potato chips
- An entire container of sour cream for dipping the chips
A new snack is:
- A piece of fruit or cheese
A typical old dinner was:
- A ten- to fourteen- ounce steak or pork roast
- Homemade macaroni and cheese with extra cheese
- A dessert of sour cream or icing on a spoon (at least ten spoonsful)
A new dinner is:
- Beans or lentils
- Whole grain rice
- Some sort of green vegetable cooked in canola/olive/flaxseed oil
So there you go. If I can change my diet, anyone can.
Hot or NOT
Let’s all face it, people, I used to think I was all that and a bag of chips. OK, not celebrity/model hot, but a nice, solid, midwest-girl 7 out of 10.
As I aged and starting seeing gray hairs at my temple and freckles/wrinkles at my eyes, I celebrated instead of bemoaning. All the years after 30 seemed like something to look forward to having, not to dread.
Then I had a kid. I packed on 50, 60, 70 pounds and it certainly wasn’t all for the baby. My heart was struggling to push blood through my newfound fat. And once the baby was out and I started trying to lose the weight, I struggled with diet and exercise while my world was turned upside down. I looked in the mirror and didn’t like it. I was happy with my self but not happy with my appearance.
I’ve lost nearly all of that 70 pounds now. But I’m not that pretty girl anymore. I’ve gone without makeup many days. It’s not that I need it as a mask; rather, applying it is more of a statement that I think my face is worth presenting. My once-taut stomach is snapping back to being a curvy waist, but the skin is dappled in cellulite. My pants fit but my shirts still don’t. I go clothes/shoe shopping and buy nothing because I simply don’t feel I deserve it.
In the past couple of weeks, several friends have commented that I look good. But I don’t see it. I see a girl who needs a shower and a nap. I always wondered if weight loss success stories ever felt the confidence that we always-slender people did. I now feel that the answer is no. The weight lost didn’t magically mend my beauty. I feel great about my eating and exercising choices, just not my face or body.
So where did my confidence go? Would I want my daughter to have these feelings of worth tied to beauty, or in my case, lack thereof? Of course not.
The nice thing is that even though my confidence in my physical self is gone, I still feel that I have other abilities worth noticing. I’m compassionate and intelligent. But I don’t feel pretty enough.
Cranky 5
Trying to find gratefulness even though I’m not really in the mood!
Ainsley’s giggle
Sharing opinions with someone whom I respect but with whom I disagree
Fizzy drinks of all kinds
Air conditioning (even if it makes me feel planet-guilty)
Ten to Go: Four in Three?
This is the latest update on my weight loss challenge Five in Five. I actually have less than three weeks to go so I may not reach goal.
I haven’t lost as much, and it’s mostly my fault. After talking about how hard it was, and how I had to be really diligent with exercise, I basically ate a piece of cake the size of my head and then didn’t walk for six days.
But I’m back on track, and walking in the bloody heat tonight.
I know that Oz is almost at goal weight, and Amy’s struggled a little, but she’s killing it with the exercise, so nicely done, everyone!
Charity of the Month: Light the Night
OK people, here we go. I’m walking in an event to spread awareness in the fight against blood cancers. I would love for my friends- blog-buddies and MIRL friends too- to join me to walk downtown. From talking to previous walkers, the event is inspiring, sometimes tearful, always uplifting.
Those of us who are supporters hold red balloons; survivors hold white balloons. It’s symbolic of the white and red blood cells that are vital to life.
Please visit my donation page. If you don’t have cash on hand (I know the economy is tough), that’s OK. I’m happy to have you walk with me – no donation required. Just sign up to walk- or comment on this post and I’ll sign your name for you.
Thank you!
Welcome to the South Side Commune, Population: 8
If you’ve been a friend of mine for more than 30 minutes, you’ve probably heard me joke that you should either move in to my house or move into one of the fourteen houses for sale in my neighborhood. It’s all funny except that I’m not really joking.
My family has always been my built-in support network. I loved living in a house of five people. There was always someone with whom to chat. That’s a good thing when you’re eight, have glasses and braces, and no good friends in the outside world. Oh, and did I mention I’m an extrovert? Very hard to be extroverted when you’re afraid to talk to mean kids. I think that’s why I feel this way: proximity feels good.
So now that I own a home in a place where I’ll likely live for the next 20 years, I’m busily wishing that my entire family and group of friends would move in. When a very good friend of ours sought a temporary place to live, we welcomed her to our home. I was frankly worried about the loss of privacy; however, we couldn’t be more happy. People ask me if it’s weird that she lives with us and I say “no” with a smile. We eat dinner together almost every night; we take walks or hang out while I clean the kitchen (or she cleans the kitchen and I put Ainsley to bed); we have toy fights where Ainsley’s (soft) toys go flying across the living room.
When the house next door was up for sale, I begged my sister to buy it. I won’t go into all the ways the stars aligned, but it’s a miracle that she lives next door.
Some nights, I carry a tray of food to their house. Sometimes I mooch dinner from them. We carpool to the grocery and have started trying to have Spanish-speaking lunches at a local restaurant. I’ve always wanted to have a relationship where we don’t have to make a fuss over coming or going. It’s not that I mind the hugging, it’s that I want us to be so close that we don’t have to. More like “oh, you. Here’s the tray I borrowed.” I knew it would be great to have her family so close but I didn’t know how everyday-wonderful it would be. I got to rock her son to sleep on Monday. The cousin relationship of the kids is blurring into siblingness.
I know I can’t make everyone move to my neighborhood, but I wish that I could.
Nine Pounds to Go- Five in Five!
This is an update on my challenge of Six in Six. I was pretty nervous about the weight check, but I did it!
The only downside is that I worked hard. Really hard. All week. I was fastidious with what I ate and I strapped Ainsley in a backpack for a 1.5-mile hike every night. I added in some strength training, too, mostly crunches to salvage my poor dilapidated abs.
So this challenge is going to be even harder than I thought. However, my health improves with every good decision.
Oz and Amy, how are you guys doing? While on a brisk walk Saturday night, my mother-in-law decided to join the fight. She’s accepted the challenge of five pounds in five weeks. It’s not too late to join, people! Who’s with us?