This Might Be a Bad Idea…

…but I’m doing it anyway. I have been trying to eat right and exercise, so I decided to challenge myself by letting the whole world (or, the six people who stumble onto this site) see my progress. This graph will be updated periodically over the next six weeks. It’s overkill but I need to do it to keep myself from losing focus. My goal is to exercise at least 2 days weekly, and to lose several pounds as well.

I’m doing this for several reasons: first, my health. Second, my well-being: I feel better and more confident when I exercise. Third, I remember being exhausted at the end of each day of GenCon, and I’d like to feel refreshed instead.

There isn’t much data on the graph yet, so my goal weight is showing in blue. As it populates, you’ll see how many minutes I’ve exercised and how my weight compares to the goal. So here’s the ugly truth:

3 thoughts on “This Might Be a Bad Idea…

  1. Pingback: Nicole, Deipnosophist. » Bad Idea Update I

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