The Grateful Journal

Wow, my last post was depressing! As I was puttering around the house and cleaning this weekend, I found a journal that my mother had given me. It’s a blank book with the goal of writing 5 things that made me happy. It’s meant to be daily but I would find myself leaving the journal on a side table for a day, a week, a year (oo! Look! Something shiny!).

It’s so old that it’s fun to review and reflect. I also recall that even if it was a hokey Oprah thing, it still worked. I still could find five things on bad days, and the good days were glowing with happiness. So I’m going to dust off the journal and start again. I know it won’t happen every day, but I’m going to do it when I think of it.

For fun, I’ll post them on my blog, and also an old entry just for kicks.

Today’s Five

A delicious, authentic Indian meal prepared by someone I love

Carlton taking over for diaper changing at five in the morning

Ainsley’s soft little hand on my back

My sister’s sacrifice to move closer to me so our kids can be like siblings

My brother’s unflagging enthusiasm

Archive Five:

Um, yeah, I already can’t find the book. Oops.

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