You Are New York |
![]() You also appreciate a good amount of grit – and very little shocks you. You’re competitive, driven, and very likely to succeed.Famous people from New York: Sarah Michelle Gellar, Tupac Shakur, Woody Allen |
Category Archives: Life in General
2007: Plan Ahead
Debauchery? Maybe.
Gamers? For sure.
A chance to meet new people (my favorite hobby)? Absolutely.
It’s just a twinkle in my eye at this point, but with some advance plannn…ooh shiny!
An Easy Grammar Quiz
Amy, you should ace this thing too. But I love quizzes so here it is!
Way to go! You know not to trust the MS Grammar Check and you know “no” from “know.” Now, go forth and spread the good word (or at least, the proper use of apostrophes).
61 Questions
More lazy blogging. Credit to JonOz for enabling. Enjoy!
1.) Do you talk in your sleep?
Yes. It’s either mumbling as I go to sleep or the ever-amusing awakening me when I’m fast asleep. I have entire conversations I can’t recollect. My brother likes to use this for his amusement.
2.) Red Jello or Blue Jello?
Red Raspberry.
3.) Whats the song thats getting on your nerves right now?
Lips of an Angel. When he sings “lips,” it sounds like he’s spitting.
4.) Current Crush?
Other than my husband? The Gen Con guy.
5.) What’s your favorite color?
Yellow. My room was yellow as a child, so I’m sure there is some psychiatry behind that.
6.) Window seat or aisle seat?
7.) Ever met anyone famous?
The Backstreet Boys, back when they were really famous
8.) Do you feel that you’ve had a truly successful life so far?
No. I’m content and feel very lucky, but I have the same number of hours in a day as Michelangelo. Where’s my Pieta?
9.) Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
10.) Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey?
11) Basketball or Football?
Football. Pro.
12.) How long do your showers last?
Depends. Either 10 minutes or an hour, depending on the day/my mood/exfoliation.
13.) Do you know how to drive a stick?
Absolutely. I think it should be required.
15.) Are you self-conscious?
Often. But I find it motivating and I try to rise to the challenge.
16.) Have you ever given money to a bum?
No. But I give lots of money to charities that help people in dire need.
18). Where do you wish you were?
In Charleston with my husband and the rest of my family, sipping coffee in the salt air and planning a trip downtown.
19. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?
20.) Can you tango?
21). Last gift you received?
My car. Reason #4,782 that Carlton is amazing!
22.) Last sport you played?
23.) Things you spend a lot of money on?
Lately, furniture. I also sense a big home theatre purchase in the next few months.
26) Favorite FAST food restaurant?
Lately? None. every once in a while I have a serious Taco Bell craving.
27) Most hated food(s)?
Used to be cucumbers, but that’s waning. Zucchini is still awful.
28) Can you sing?
Not really, but that doesn’t stop me as much as it should!
29) Last person you called?
My sister (shocking, eh?).
30) What’s your least fav. chore?
Love them all. Too lazy to do them usually, but love chores.
31. Favorite Drink?
Red wine.
32) Are you a vegetarian?
33) Do you believe in Heaven?
Absolutely. I believe more and more in God in the every day things in life, too.
34) Do you miss someone?
I miss lots of people.
35) Have you ever come close to dying?
How close? I’ll go with a “yes,” but I’ve never flatlined and seen the pretty pretty lights.
37)Are you eating?
38) Do you eat the stems of broccoli?
Yes. Very delicious in stir fry.
39) Do you wear makeup?
Yes. I’m surprised by how little, though…used to never be in public without full makeup. Now it’s usually just mascara and lip gloss.
40) What’s your worst fear?
Losing my husband.
41) Would you ever have plastic surgery?
Not on my face. Doubtful anywhere else, either.
42) What do you wear to bed?
A t-shirt and pants. Very boring.
43) Have you ever done anything illegal?
Everyone with a car can say yes…the posted speed limit is often exceeded!
44) Are you a good kisser?
45) What kind of sneakers do you wear usually?
Don’t wear them usually. That’s a reflection of my lack of gym activity these days.
47) Future child’s name?
Not my choice alone.
50) Do you snore?
51) If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?
Southern France. Or Alsace. Or Belgium.
52) Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
No. But I sleep with two real ones.
53) If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
Call my dad to work out the best plan for taxes, investments, etc.
54) Gold or silver?
Gold usually, silver if I’m feeling adventurous.
55) Hamburger or hot dog?
56) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Is salad a food?
57) City, beach ,country?
City, with a beach attached. Hello, Charleston!
58) What was the last thing you touched?
Coffee mug.
59) Where did you last eat out?
Ice House.
60) When was the last time you cried?
The last time I had a bad migraine.
61) Do you read blogs?
All the time. I love to observe and understand people.
The Quickie Meme
One can only type one word or short phrase. No explanations.
1. Yourself: unsatisfied
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend: wonderful
3. Your hair: needs a wash
4. Your mother: kind
5. Your father: nostalgic
6. Your favorite item: painting
7. Your dream last night: work-related
8. Your favorite drink: coffee
9. Your dream car: I own it
10. The room you are in: beautiful
11. Your ex: happier without me
12. Your fear: mediocrity
13. What you want to be in 10 years: satisfied
14. Who you hung out with last night: my whole family
15. What you’re not: mean
16. Muffins: waste of calories
17: One of your wish list items: wine refrigerator
18: Time: gone
19. The Last Thing You Did: watched TiVo
20. What You Are Wearing: workout clothes
21. Your Favorite Weather: crisp
22. Your Favorite Book: Cry, the Beloved Country
23. The Last Thing You Ate: olive cheese balls
24. Your Life: scattered
25. Your Mood: tepid
26. Your best friend(s): introvert
27. What are you thinking about right now: rated R
28. Your car: hybrid
29. What are you doing at the moment: surfing
30. Your summer: no different than my spring or fall
31. Your relationship status: very happy
32. What is on your tv: Diggnation
33. What is the weather like: sunny
34. When is the last time you laughed: 10 minutes ago
Animal Hilarity
This is copied from Oz…
A good laugh on any rainy day.
I laughed out loud at many, but in honor of GenCon SoCal….
I Break my Silence
I’ve avoided politics, but this post is so good I have to mention it.
Once Again, New Functionality for the Blog
Like many webnerds, I realized that my poor little website was suffering from neglect. FrontPage served its purpose but it was a lot of work! So, as the blog I had not wanted grew by leaps and bounds, poor little Website was two years old with nary an update.
Enter Webmaster Carlton. Without my asking, he converted the whole site into my blog. If you look at the navigation bar to the right, the “Pages” section houses my old website, converted into a nice, easy (read:lazy) editing format. Maybe I’ll work on those pages now…maybe.
Next, you’ll note the “News Stories I Digg” section. That’s a listing of the last ten stories that I found compelling on It’s like a mini-blog, but lazier: here are the current events I follow, but I can’t be bothered with writing a blog entry. Aah, the joys of someone to program for me. Carlton basically reads my thoughts and implements them on my site without even asking.
Following that are my blog categories (unchanged) and my cool Netflix queue with cover art. I love that the art is displayed, not just titles. Webmaster Carlton is responsible for all of these cool changes, so if you want more information, here is how to contact him. That’s right, Carlton, I’m making you the IT Master for all my readers!
If you have any comments/suggestions on the format or content, please let me know and I (*cough*…Carlton) will implement them. Enjoy!
C-and-P, no Crea-ti-vi-ty
Cutting and Pasting so you lurkers can learn what thoughts are currently rattling in my head. Copied from a blog I stumbled upon (side note: the best thing about the blog is the titles of the blogs in the blogroll). Memes are easier than originality. I’m just not into writing lately je suppose.
- Explain what ended your last relationship? He stood me up. A very unexpected end. I actually took a picture of myself while I cried so I’d remember what real hurt was like and that I would never do that to another man.
- When was the last time you shaved? Yesterday.
- What were you doing this morning at 8 a.m.? Feeding my godson breakfast.
- What were you doing 15 minutes ago? Trolling blogs.
- Are you any good at math? Stop laughing, fellow RPers! a-HEM. I am good at calculus and abstract math- was on the math team in high school- but still can’t grasp basic multiplication and addition.
- Your prom night? Which one? Okay, we’ll go with senior. I had a very serious boyfriend who had left for the military and we had thus ended our relationship (but ended up dating again later). I was panicked not to have a date so I asked someone quickly. I went with someone I’d dated in the past but not a serious boyfriend. He was from a different city and didn’t know my friends, thus sulking most of the afterprom night in the corner. He was a nice guy but I was always sorry I didn’t let someone ask me.
- Do you have any famous ancestors? James G. Randall, Lincoln author.
- Last thing received in the mail? Cook’s Illustrated. i’ve already made the delicious Penne alla Vodka from it (can’t reprint for copyright issues).
- How many different beverages have you had today? Coffee, coffee again, diet A&W cream soda, orange juice…three.
- Do you ever leave messages on people’s answering machines? Who still has an answering machine? I leave messages for my parents, but rarely on anyone’s phone- all are mobile with caller ID. If I want something other than to idly chat, I text.
- Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach? No. Never did.
- What’s the most painful dental procedure you’ve had? None. Didn’t feel wisdom teeth being cracked out of my head; never had a cavity.
- What is out your back door? A cornfield. Hey, is this Indiana? How’d I get here?
- Any plans for Friday night? Yes- a big party.
- Do you like what the ocean does to your hair? Yes. it reminds me I’m on vacation.
- Have you ever received one of those big tins of 3 different popcorns? No. *whew*
- Have you ever been to a planetarium? Yes, with my neice.
- Do you re-use towels after you shower? Yes. Aren’t I clean when I use it?
- Some things you are excited about? Not very excited right now. Hard day! Ask again, magic eight ball, when I’m not so tired.
- What is your favorite flavor of JELLO? Raspberry with raspberries in it, though plain raspberry is really good comfort food.
- Describe your keychain(s)? Ha. I have four keychains, each with one key, each for one car. It drives my sister crazy that I don’t have a keychain with 20 keys. The car that is “mine” was a very recent gift from my wonderful husband. We’ve been saving for a car for me for three years and I sold my Sebring over a year ago. It was a very thrilling moment to take my beloved keychain I bought many years ago and add my new car key.
- Where do you keep your change? In my “aquarium fund” glass and in the change thing in my car to avoid downtown parking tickets.
- When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group of people? What’s large? Depends. Last month was group of important people, but not a LARGE group.
- What kind of winter coat do you own? A camel coat, a black leather coat, a red wool coat, a brown microfiber coat, and about 10 different hat/scarf combos to keep it interesting.
- Do you sleep with the door to your room open or closed? Closed mostly, to allow the cat to roam.