Still…41 to Go?!?

OK, I’m eating healthfully, I’m drinking lots of water, and I’m walking 1-2K daily. But my weight won’t budge. In fact, it’s gone the wrong direction!

Before you start composing a cheery and encouraging comment to post, I’m totally fine with my lack of progress. Sure, I barely fit into my “skinny” maternity pants (just the term makes me laugh), but the fact that I’m doing everything right and also taking care of the nutritional needs of an entire other person…well, that’s enough for me.

AEB Three WeeksYesterday was week number three for the little girl. Here’s a picture; I think the blanket makes her look like a peapod. I look at pics to remind me of what the ultimate goals really is- healthy me, healthy baby!

I’m off to walk- hopefully the rain will stay at bay. I’ll take an umbrella just in case.

2 thoughts on “Still…41 to Go?!?

  1. Awww… your baby is absolutely adorable! I love your “ultimate goal”… healthy you, healthy baby. And all of the things that you are doing are definitely going to help you achieve that goal. Keep up the good work… no matter what the scale says!

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