
If you have questions, please respond to this post with your name and contact information.  Your information will not be posted publicly.

3 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Thanks Nicole for the Oktoberfest party yesterday. The beer was very good and the Home theater impressive (like the rest of your house, by the way…). I promised your Mom to give her the receipe of my famous Lemon Torte. It is in french but I am sure you will be able to translate it very easily; your foreign language skills are so good ! Here you go :

    Tarte aux citrons.

    4 oeufs
    2 citrons
    100g de beurre
    200g de sucre
    pate sablee, brisee ou feuilletee.

    Raper le zeste des citrons.

    jus de citon

    Chauffer a feu doux jusqu’a epaississement (10 a 15 mns) en remuant bien le melange.

    Retirer du feux.

    Ajouter le beurre et le zeste des citrons.

    Verser le tout sur la pate. Faite cuire environs 30 mns a 375 F.

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