- Hey-la, hey-la, my best friend's back! #
- I spent 35 minutes on an elliptical machine. 345 calories burned. #LoseIt #
- Watching #GoneBabyGone and eating the best snack in the world. #peanutsonthehalfshell #dontknockittilyoutryit #
- I spent 35 minutes on an elliptical machine. 345 calories burned. #LoseIt #
- Take heed that ye do not alms before men, to be seen: otherwise ye have no reward of the Father in heaven. Mth 6:1 http://t.co/Q4J8YSw #
- I spent 45 minutes on an elliptical machine. 444 calories burned. #LoseIt #
A Summary of My Week – 2011-03-13