A Summary of My Week – 2010-09-26 Posted on 26 September 2010 by Kristy Nicole Reply I spent 20 minutes running. 153 calories burned. #LoseIt # GO #COLTS ! Touchdowns? Yes, please! # I LOVE TAMMY #
A Summary of My Week – 2010-09-19 Posted on 19 September 2010 by Kristy Nicole 1 Evil day star # @feliciaday I just went running & singing along to #avatar & #gameon and thinking how much I respect your gamer core! No trolls! #the guild in reply to feliciaday # just heard the announcer call @DallasClark "niftier." It's 1960s vocab week…GO #COLTS # 5 Positive Things: #PrincessLeia imagined, Indiana tomato and herb sauce, groceries, cool breeze, clean kitchen. http://yfrog.com/5hwkinj # Manipulus Vocabulorum: flawless in round one of the spelling bee! #ColumbusIndiana # Manipulus Vocabulorum: flawless in round two of the spelling bee! #ColumbusIndiana # Manipulus Vocabulorum: flawless in round three of the spelling bee! #ColumbusIndiana # Manipulus Vocabulorum: second place in the city-wide spelling bee! #ColumbusIndiana # Just because I failed doesn't mean I'm defeated. # When you know someone who made a mistake, do you question everything about them? A friend, a boss, a peer, a family member. What do you do? # Time to make the biga… #bakingdisasteranticipated # Hey Amy! Cool. “@feliciaday There's a name for that."semantic satiation" – repeating a word causes it to lose meaning. http://bit.ly/9by3L” # is missing Oranje (no sidekick). Stayed home and read books to three great kids. I am sulky about not being cool but happy about my family. #
A Summary of My Week – 2010-09-12 Posted on 12 September 2010 by Kristy Nicole Reply If you're in #ColumbusIndiana please come to the Literacy charity dinner & spelling bee 14 September. Team Harter FTW! http://j.mp/an9uxS # I spent 20 minutes running. 153 calories burned. #LoseIt #
A Summary of My Week – 2010-09-05 Posted on 05 September 2010 by Kristy Nicole Reply realized halfway to work that I was wearing my lovely, tweedy brown suit….and my plastic flip flops for yardwork. # thinks #Facebook should also add a checkout tag: "Nicole just checked out of Eli Lilly" # Oh this reminds me of Avenue Q! “@thesulk: I can't say it as good as them but I'd sure like to #%@* you. (Subtext of Every Mixed Tape)” # has so many elements of happiness in life- from great weather to safe shelter to health- but still my heart is sad. #