Weight Updates

I waited as long as I could to weigh Ainsley again.  She sure looked bigger and fatter, but hey.  I’m a scientist and I need data.

Her weight gain was great!  She’s been gaining almost at the ideal pace of one ounce per day.  Like I said, I was pretty sure she was on the right track, but data is what put my mind at ease.

The new bottle is what did it.  She now eats like a normal baby and she naps better too.  I hate to think how hard it must have been for her to be getting sugary milk instead of the high fat milk she needed.  I would never have made it this far without the support of the Clarian North Lactation Consultants.

Ainsley and Daddy at the Reef AquariumI wish I’d been carrying my real camera when I saw this shot.  She already loves to watch the aquariums in the house and her favorite book right now is The Biotope Aquarium.  I love that Ainsley’s first words might be “Zebrasoma flavescens.” Carlton has really been a great dad, too.  He doesn’t view her as a chore; he sent me to bed at 7:30PM the other night and took care of her.  I had a terrible migraine yesterday and he took care of both his girls all day with no complaints.  What a great guy.

Oh, and 26 to go for me.  The pounds aren’t melting off anymore, so the weight I’m carrying is that excessive amount because I was so hungry in the beginning of the pregnancy.  I can’t wait to be rid of this artery-clogging flabbbb!

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